
Hi! My name is Pierre Abdelmalak, a versatile designer and marketer with a passion for bringing creative visions to life.

More About Me

Passionately dedicated to the art of innovative thinking and creating—from strategic planning to brand development and execution of marketing initiatives.

Pierre George

Graphic Design, Marketing, Branding

My career has been a journey marked by a commitment to excellence and an insatiable hunger for innovation. From the world of design to the realms of marketing strategy, I’ve dedicated myself to mastering both crafts. I pride myself on merging the artistry of design with the strategic precision of marketing to craft compelling solutions that engage audiences and drive results.

Currently residing in Egypt, I am eager to relocate wherever my career takes me.

I invite you to explore my portfolio and discover how I transform ideas into impactful designs and marketing campaigns that leave a lasting impression.

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With a versatile skillset, I am the perfect person to hire when it comes to a full fledged project. Whatever your needs are, I can pretty much take on any challenge.

  • Visual Design

    Visual Design

    As a designer, my expertise lies in visual design, where I excel in creating engaging visuals that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality. Colors, typography, layout and the whole package.

  • UI / UX Design

    UI / UX Design

    I specialize in designing user interfaces and experiences that prioritize both aesthetics and functionality. My focus is on creating visually appealing designs that enhance the overall user experience.

  • Printmaking


    My focus in creating unique and visually captivating prints that capture the essence of various subjects and concepts. My work is a fusion of creativity and technique, resulting in printed pieces that leave a lasting impression.

  • Illustration


    I excel in creating captivating illustrations that bring narratives and ideas to life. Through my artistic skills and creativity, I strive to craft visuals that resonate with audiences and convey compelling visual storytelling and messages.